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Series 26M Low-Water Cutoff Plug-In Modules

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Series 26M Low-Water Cutoff Plug-In Modules

4.7K - 26K Ohm/cm Sensitivity

Optional Manual Reset Button Feature

Optional Power Outage Feature

LED Monitoring Low Voltage Sensor

11-Pin Socket Plug-In Design

Powered Contacts

U.L. "Limit Control"


Series 26M is designed for low-water cutoff protection and meets CSD1 requirements for boiler low-water cutoff. Series 26M features powered contacts. If non-powered contacts are required, please contact factory and request information on Series 26NM.


 * Optional Dirty Electrode Detection

 * Optional Manual Reset Button - If level drops, control is deactivated until liquid level returns to normal and pushbutton is depressed

 * Optional Power Outage Feature - Ignores nuisance outages and resets when power is restored

 * Optional Test Feature

 * Time Delays are Available




 * Low-Water Cutoff

 * Point Level

 * Alarms