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XT-1000 Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

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XT-1000 Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter

Housing Material : Stainless Steel

Protection Type : IP68

Cable Diameter : 0.19" to 0.394" (5 to 10 mm)

Probe Tube Diameter : 0.472" (12mm)

Probe Tube Material : Stainless Steel 316 Ti ; Hastelloy C

Probe Tube Length : 8" to 157" (200 to 4,000 mm)


This high-precision and robust level sensor is designed to provide continuous gauging of liquid media levels in tanks. The measuring principle used by the magnetic float level sensor exploits the physical effect of magnetostriction and is largely unaffected by temperature.

Magnetostriction is particularly ideal where level measurements are required to be extremely accurate, e.g. in the chemical industry. The level sensor outputs measuring signals in the range of 4 to 20 mA. Available in lengths of 7.87" to 157.48" (200 to 4,000 mm), it is compatible with a variety of tank dimensions. It also comes in the following versions:

The explosion-proof version of the level sensor can be installed in potentially explosive atmospheres in which electrical equipment of category 1 (zone 0) or category 1/2 (zone 0/1) are required. Operating on the digital HART protocol, the HART level sensor is able to output the position of the first, second or both floats.


* Measuring accuracy up to ±0.008" (0.2 mm)

* Resolution better than 0.004" (0.1mm)

* Temperature-compensated

* 2-wire terminal (4-20mA)

* Measuring range along the complete probe length

* Lengths of 8" to 157" (200 to 4,000 mm)